Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Meeting Ms. Heny

Atfer my daily office duties..I take time and have mini R&R breaks during the day, sort of to ease stress and take time to stop and smell the roses as they say..or in my case...smell the coffee =)
Yesterday, I chose to have a cafe mocha...I like the cafe mocha at whip ofcourse...I hate whipped cream (sorry to those who love 'em). Here it is......

...I sit and enjoy this at Starbucks Greenhills, beside Chili's. I was waiting for my sister to finish her class at Heny Sison. My sis and I are fans of Ms. Heny. We have been watching her show since time immemorial and we adore her as we adore baking. I remember the first thing I baked (that was edible ha) ...Peanut Butter cookies! I was in the 3rd grade then. I was fond of making lenguas de gato, chocolate crinkles, chocolate chip cookies, butter cookies..etc., and as I got older, I moved on to making brownies, cakes and breads. You can just imagine how excited I got when my sis texted me to go there and meet Ms. Heny....
....she was very friendly and accommodating! I told her that I was a fan and I loved to bake also. We chatted about some people we know in common and chit chatted a bit. She even brought out a pecan pie from the ref...took a piece of it and let me try it as well! It was delicious! Not too sweet and it had a tinge of rum flavor. She went on to making an apple pie....she was testing the recipe for the pies she will offer to sell this coming Christmas season. Its going to be a limited edition pies, each sold with a beautiful ceramic pie plate....if I remeber correctly, only 250 pieces of them are going to be made and LET's go and make our reservations...I'm sure they will be great!

Here is the character cake my sis made in school for our shobe....

...cute isn't it?! It was neatly and beautifuly iced! My shobe was really happy when she saw her cake. Shobe is down with German measles!!!!! eeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkk!!!! She is all red and rashy now.....get well soon Bakekang! ;P

And to end my day...I had coffee with my good friend Holden...kahit late na fight pa rin sa kape right?! hahaha We had coffee at UCC Morato....I had the Sumiyaki blend...

...we were at the smoking area and there was this person smoking TOBACCO!!!!...The smell made me feel dizzy. When I got home I could really smell the smoke in my hair and in my clothes@!!!!! Eeeewwweee hahaha...cigarette smoke is tolerable and ok...but tobacco stench is nasty!!!! (My apologies to all tobacco somkers out there...its just a personal opinion)

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