Thursday, October 05, 2006

My First Poker Game

Back in my college days, card games have been the favorite recreation in our org tambayans. I've learned to play go-fish, gin rummy, hearts, rook, brigde etc...but never poker....for the reason , I don't know why....
Poker has been a long standing past-time craze for sometime now, and up until last night, I have never really played the game. It was my first time to actually sit-down and play! The game has been taught to me by different sets of friends with their respective poker groupies, but I guess you won't know if you know how to play unless you start playing the game! hehehehe ;P

I finally had the guts to play with my friend Holden and Edi's barkada. They were gracious enough to allow me to mess their poker game heheh. Annie, the wife of Andy, was my seatmate at that time and she patiently led me through the ropes of the game. I was quite shy and reluctant in placing the bets (imagine me..shy??? hehehe) the group has been playing regularly and I didn't wana slow the game down. I manage to win several games and I was so happy with that, considering I am a novice and playing with pro's hehehehe =)

I had a fun evening playing and watching. I never knew I'd actually enjoy playing poker. Thanks to all the nice players last night! hehehe


ChichaJo said...

Sounds like fun although I can never play anything that invloves betting money because I have "balat" and never's true, I have been known even to make "hawa" people and that's why I don't go to casinos and my friends never want me to go to my college's basketball games! :(

But on to nicer topics than my bad luck with cards...our birthdays are just 2 days apart! :)

Jen Tan said...

hello joey! really??? wow--that's so nice. belated happy birthday to you!!! =) hope you had a great celebration.

no no no!!!! ---no such thing as balat! what about begginers luck? hehehe we can always bank on that!... i don't like playing with money too but maybe a one-time trip to the casino wouldn't be so bad...i'd like to try it before i turn 30 (yikes! my deadline is closing up on me fast! hahaha)

thanks for dropping by =)